Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counseling
The BCPPC is affiliated with World’s largest and most diverse faith-based mental health organization, the American Association of Christian Counselors, and is open to all mental health professionals, pastors, chaplains, para-professionals, and lay counseling ministry leaders who identify themselves as Christian counselors.
Our mission is to serve Christian counselors throughout the world in taking positive and tangible steps to develop the emerging profession of Christian counseling. Our vision is to create and maintain a viable and comprehensive Christian Care Network as a resource for hurting people.

“Christian counselors have the opportunity to be ‘salt and light,’ providing the rich counsel of God’s truth as they minister to people who are overwhelmed with problems, pain, and suffering. Yet, the value and contributions of Christian counselors are not always recognized in the secular world. The BCPPC offers a merit-based credentialing system that promotes biblical competence and integrity in counseling, as well as an organizational voice within the faith-based community and the broader counseling world. Join us in supporting one another as co-workers in counseling to the glory of God.”

Ian F. Jones, Ph.D., Ph.D., BCPPC
Executive Director, BCPPC